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How To Do a What IF Analysis In Excel

Difficulty: Medium

Issue: Working backwards from the answer to calculate an input to a formula

Process: Using "What If Analysis" function. This can be found in Data (ribbon) > What-If-Analysis (Forecast section)'

Example: Calculating the effective life of an asset by working backwards from the depreciation expense1In this example, I have a depreciation calculation. I know the answer that needs to be calculated (Depreciation expense), but I don't have one of the inputs (The effective life). I could spend time trying to work backwards or use trial and error to calculate the answer. Alternatively, I could use the What-If-Analysis need to calculate the effective life of the plant & equipment that calculates a depreciation expense of $10,363.

First step is to include my calculation of depreciation expense in the last cell. The formula (DV) for this is below.

Using "What If Analysis" function. This can be found in Data (ribbon) > What-If-Analysis (Forecast section)' > Goal Seek.

Excel will ask you for three items:

i) Which cell we want to set. We want to set Depreciation expense (Q7) to a fixed value.

ii) What value to set depreciation (Q7) to. We want this to equal $10,363.i

ii) We want to get to this value by changing cell $P$7, which is the effective life of the asset.

Click OK. Excel will now calculate every value possible by trial and error to make the formula work.

Excel has calculated a value - 6.667 years, which is another way of writing a DV depreciation rate of 30%.

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